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Organic Pest Control Guide

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PESTS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY      A - G       H - P      Q- Z     

Pests/Diseases Beneficial Insect Solutions Other Organic Solutions
Anthracnose Identify Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Garden Dust
Copper Dust 7% (Bordeaux)

Diatomaceous earth
Hasta La Vista Ant!
Bug Shooter Insecticide

(Cabbage Identify)\r
(Corn leaf Identify)
(Cotton/melon Identify)
(Green peach Identify)
(Greenbug Identify)

Aphid parasitoids (A.colemani)
Aphid parasitoids (A.ervi)
Aphid parasitoids (A.matricariae)
Aphid midges (A.aphidimyza)
Ladybugs (Hippodamia convergens)
Green lacewings (Chrysoperla)
Insidious flower bugs (O.insidiosus)

Garlic Barrier
BotaniGard ES
Garden Dust
Hot Pepper Wax
Tobacco Dust
Horticultural & Dormant Oil
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Take Down Garden Spray

Apple maggots

Garlic Barrier
Rotenone Copper Dust
Monterey Garden Spray
Surround W.P. Kaolin Clay

Armyworms Identify
(Fall Identify )

Beneficial Nematodes (Sc)
Mini-wasps (Trichogramma minutum)
Mini-wasps (Trichogramma pretiosum)
Green lacewings (Chrysoperla)
Insidious flower bugs (O.insidiosus)

Garlic Barrier
Dipel 150 Dust
Hot Pepper Wax
Neem Oil (100% Pure)

Asparagus beetleIdentify Monterey Garden Spray
Take Down Garden Spray
Garlic Barrier
Garden Dust

Bark beetles Identify

Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sf)
Bean beetles Identify
(see also Mexican bean beetles)
Bug Shooter Insecticide
(Blue Grass/Hunting Identify)
Beneficial Nematodes (Sc)
Black spot Identify Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Copper Dust 7% (Bordeaux)
Black turfgrass ataenius Identify Milky Spore
Black vine weevil Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sc)
Blight (early and late)
(in potatoes Identify )
(in tomatoes Identify)
Liquid Copper
Copper Dust 7% (Bordeaux)
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Blister beetles Identify Bug Shooter Insecticide
Botrytis (gray mold)
(in grapes Identify)
(in berries Identify)
(in onions Identify)
(in greenhouse crops Identify)
Bonide Remedy
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Boxelder bugs Identify Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Stink Bug Killer
Brown rot Identify Liquid Copper
Sulfur Plant Fungicide
E.F. Fruit Tree Spray
Cabbage loopers Identify Dipel 150 Dust
Hot Pepper Wax
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Cane borers Garlic Barrier
Caterpillars Identify Mini-wasps (Trichogramma minutum)
Mini-wasps (Trichogramma pretiosum)

Garlic Barrier
Dipel 150 Dust
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Chinch bugs Identify Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Codling moths Identify Green lacewings (Chrysoperla)
Insidious flower bugs (O.insidiosus)
Garlic Barrier
Surround W.P. Kaolin Clay
Cockroaches Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Colorado potato beetles Identify Colorado Potato Beetle Beater
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Corn Earworm Identify Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sf) Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Monterey Garden Spray
Corn rootworm Identify
Crane flies
(larva Identify)
(adult Identify )
Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sf)
(Mole Identify)
Beneficial Nematodes (Sc)
Beneficial nematodes (Hb)
Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sc)
Cucumber beetles
(Spotted Identify)
(Striped Identify)
Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sc)
(Black Identify)
Beneficial nematodes
Green lacewings (Chrysoperla)
Insidious flower bugs (O.insidiosus)
Garlic Barrier
Dipel 150 Dust
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Deer Shake-Away
Diamond back moth Identify Bug Shooter Insecticide
Dipel 150 Dust
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Take Down Garden Spray
(European Identify)
(Ring-legged Identify)
Garlic Barrier
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Elm leaf beetle Identify Colorado Potato Beetle Beater
European corn borer Identify Dipel 10G
Monterey Garden Insect Spray
Fall webworms Identify (see also Tent caterpillars) Dipel .86% W.P.
Garlic Barrier
Fire ants
(Little Identify)
(Red imported Identify)
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Monterey Garden Insect Spray
Flea beetles
(Cabbage Identify)
(Corn Identify)
Garlic Barrier
Bug Shooter Insecticide
Fleas (cat/dog) Beneficial Nematodes (Sc)
Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sc)
Flies Beneficial nematodes Bug Shooter Insecticide
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Fruit tree and berry pests Surround W.P. Kaolin Clay
Fungal diseases Liquid Copper
Fungus gnats Identify Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sf) Neem Oil (100% Pure)
(Differential Identify)
(Red-legged Identify )
Garlic Barrier
Neem Oil (100% Pure)
Grubs Identify Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sf)
Beneficial nematodes (Hb)
Beneficial nematodes (Hb/Sc)
Garlic Barrier
Milky Spore
Japanese Beetle Killer
Gypsy moth caterpillars Identify Bug Shooter Insecticide
Garlic Barrier
Dipel 150 Dust
Neem Oil (100% Pure)

PESTS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY      A - G       H - P      Q- Z     

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